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Mans Best Friend Needs A Helping Hand!

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Posted on: 08/25/22
Mans Best Friend Needs A Helping Hand!

Training your dog can be an important part of your life long relationship with your dog. It can also be a bonding experience with your dog that can be beneficial to both of you. This article can help you see all of the benefits that dog training can bring to your relationship.

Although a well trained dog can be taught to put up with just about anything, there will be times and situations where they are truly uncomfortable with a person, another animal, or a place. Dont force your dog to suffer through more of this discomfort than is absolutely necessary. There is a reason that they are uncomfortable and you need to determine that reason.

When you are training your dog, do not repeat commands over and over to get the dog to obey. Rather than teaching your dog to do what you say, repeating the same command when your dog doesnt listen gives them an attitude of indifference. Give your commands firmly, once, and insist the dog do what you say.

When training your dog for specific commands, be sure to use the exact same wording during everyday life as you do during training sessions. If you select "down" for "lie down", use "down" every time you want the dog to lie down. Changing up the terminology can confuse your dog and interfere with training.

Potty training a puppy can be a harsh task at times, but not impossible. You have to remember that the puppy doesnt know that when they go to the bathroom inside that it is wrong. Try your best to keep an eye on your puppy and if it starts looking like it has to go to the bathroom let it outside, after the puppy goes to the bathroom praise the puppy so it knows it did the right thing.


If your dog is digging up your yard, they may be bored. The biggest cause of destructive behavior in dogs is boredom. Simply putting them out in a back yard does not necessarily mean they are getting exercise. Try making sure they have some activity by taking them for long walks, or if you must stay home, a long game of fetch. Your dog will be too tired out to bother digging.

Some dogs have enormous reserves of energy that can cause the dog to act crazy through out the day. For dogs like this a fenced in yard or electric collar fence can be a useful tool to allow the dog to run around in a contained area. The dog will have more exercise and be more relaxed when it comes inside.

If you want your dog to stop digging, play with him in the yard. Many dogs who dig do so out of boredom and the desire to get back at their owner. Playing in the yard with your pet offers him the socialization and exercise he needs, and it is also a fun way to bond with your favorite pooch.


Keep tabs on the number of treats you give to your dog as a reward in order to avoid making him gain weight. Its easy to overlook the treats, but the do add up, especially when youre doing a lot of training.

Your dog will need a diet high in nutrition to maintain his vitality and health. This means that you should be picky about what you feed your dog. Making your own dog food can help to reduce fillers that do nothing for your pet, while increasing the crude protein to a healthy and more beneficial level.

As noted previously, bonding with your dog is an important part of your relationship. By reading the article and taking note of the information, you can build a better relationship with your dog. It can also be an enjoyable part of your relationship as you both learn from each other and have fun interacting.

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